Remaining with the car stopped on the highway due to a fault is not a pleasant experience, because in addition to the mechanical problem it is necessary to manage the emergency by avoiding a situation of potential danger and promptly requesting assistance from authorized parties.
In fact, compared to ordinary roads, on the motorway the greatest risks derive from the speed of other vehicles and from traffic . In the event of a fault, therefore, in addition to side approaching and promptly reporting the faulty car, it is necessary to behave appropriately to the situation and contact the rescue to remove the car as soon as possible.
No DIY repair attempts, therefore, especially if the car is parked in the emergency lane . The ideal would be to reach a lay-by , more protected by the vehicles that arrive and with greater room for maneuver for the eventual rescuer. Let ‘s see what to do and who to call with the car broken down on the highway.
Car stops on the highway: what to do and what not to do
If the car stops on the highway due to a breakdown, first of all you need to stay calm and reassure the other passengers, especially the little ones. The best solution – if the fault allows you to continue walking without creating dangers for circulation – is to reach a lay-by.
Alternatively you can stop on the emergency lane, approaching as far as possible to the right and trying to avoid positioning yourself in a curve . The first action to take is to activate the emergency lights – or “four arrows” – to signal the presence of the stationary car. Then wear the high visibility reflective vest and have it worn by anyone who needs to get off the vehicle.